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Showing posts from July, 2020


Pictured above is the story of a Grandmother that walked from Wasio (6 miles) to Migori Town several times over the last few weeks to sell her produce to provide for her and her granddaughter. She confessed she had very little hope for the future and longed for death so she could finally be at rest. She was met by Christian Ministers in Migori who shared the Gospel of Jesus! She gladly accepted him into her heart and has now found new hope. Boniface is working along with other ministers in the area to help with her care.   Thank the Lord for his His Mercy and to all the ministers who are willing to be that light. Commit to a small amount each month to help with our mission to be a light to others! Updates on our ministry:      Our orphans have been home since all schools were closed in March due to Covid 19 outbreak. Boniface has been sharing the Gospel each week on Sundays over Facebook. If you are not friends with him on Facebook, send a friend request to B