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February 2024 Update

Greetings Friends,

Last year was a very exciting year for Migori! The Lord has done a quick work way beyond any of our imaginations.

Late in the fall of 2022 we were informed that the Government in Kenya gave us just a few short months to build an updated church on our land. 

In October of 2022, Boniface made an emergency trip to the USA to seek help for constructing a new building before our land would be taken. As Boniface was preaching and visiting different churches , the governing surveyors in Migori were sent to measure the ground, anticipating the forfeiture. Needless to say time was running out and we still had no solution. Then…. came the “Day of the Miracle” needed to save the property! By late November the funds came! All Glory to the Lord who made it possible as only He can. Boniface quickly returned to get the building underway! 

During Boniface’s visit in November of 2022…unknown to us….another Miracle was in the works in tandem with the Building Miracle. Donations began to come for the start of a new Well Project destined for our “ Darryl Rosser Farm” where we grow our crops. Those plantings twice a year help generate the food supply for our orphans, church, and many community members!

The new well project started with the drilling of a deep water well which provides plenty of fresh clean water; even in times of drought when hand dug wells dry up. The next phase was the installation of an underground pump and a platform for the above ground water tanks and solar panels to generate electricity for the pump. Results…. plenty of clean water for drinking, raising fish, and the future construction of a greenhouse for water grown produce! The digging of the pond for raising fish begins this week. Wow!!! We say Hallelujah!!! Glory to God!! Thank you to all who are a part of this Great Work! The Lord is so Amazing!!

Matt. 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” All Glory to God!

Our yearly Match Fundraiser starts Feb 11, 2024 thru Feb. 25th. All monies donated to Migori Missions during this time span will be matched by our Sponsors “Darryl and Diane Rosser”. What a great opportunity to make your donation value double! Thank you and many blessings to all of our sponsors!

Ways to donate are listed on our donate page of our website:


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