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Showing posts from September, 2016

Home For the Elderly

Ministering to the elderly. Pastor Boniface's mom and dad, Hellen and Silvanus,  have become the overseers and ministers of the widows home. The elderly are being cared for and many are coming to Christ! They are doing a great work for the Lord. Look at those smiles. Truly blessed! A home for the elderly located in Osinga Village (5 miles from Migori). We have recently sealed the building with concrete to keep out mosquitoes and leeches. The insects were biting the elderly and bringing with them many illnesses. Praise the Lord for this very important improvement! Widow's receiving new blankets! A fundraiser held  August 2016 by the Bible School kids at the  Hope Community Christian Church in New Philadelphia, Ohio U.S.A. Pastors Scott & Staci Snyder,  supplied enough funds to give blankets to the elderly. The days there are warm, but it gets very damp and cool at night. What a comfort for them. Pictured left...