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The Lord Makes A Way.....Again!

New Year Brings New Challenges!

January, the orphans started their new school year with the usual expenses of school fees and supplies.

 February started with very dry conditions, and our four existing shallow wells were soon showing signs of going completely dry. It became very difficult to find sources of clean water.

 During this difficult month we were able to get the existing corn harvest in before the dry conditions ruined the crop. Thank you Lord!

 The very dry conditions and lack of clean water caused many to became ill.  They came to our Clinic to be treated for Chlorea and other waterborne illnesses. This very quickly put a strain on our medical stock.
 March soon arrived and with it the need to begin plowing and preparing our farm land for the next planting.

How could we meet these challenges in such a small time frame?

The Lord Makes A Way Again!      Right On Time!

Our fundraiser lasted 7 days (Feb. 25, thru Mar. 1) and was generously matched again this year by Darryl & Diane Rosser from Birmingham, Alabama! What a blessing!

Thank you to all our donors, we are so very thankful. Only the Lord can repay your kindness!

With the Lord's provision, we were able to have three of our four wells dug deeper to provide clean safe water very quickly!

"Diane's Well" pictured below, is located at the Rosser Farm. Our Senior Facility is also located there. This well was opened and hand dug deeper! It now supplies clean, safe water for all at the Farm and Senior Home! 

This well at the Orphanage pictured below, was also opened and hand dug deeper. It supplies fresh, clean water to the orphans, and many of the church family!


Located two miles from Diane's Well, is the Community Well. This well was opened and dug deeper, and fitted with a new pump! It supplies fresh clean water to over 7,000 families! Pictured below is the special Dedication Service for the well, where all thanked God for His Provision of clean water! Boniface had the opportunity to preach during this special service, and gave an invitation to all to receive Christ as their Saviour! 

March Planting is in the Ground!

The Lord provided funds for all planting supplies: Corn Seed, Fertilizer, Bean Seed, and Worm Spray.
Pictured below are some of the orphans helping with the planting.

 The rains have returned! God is good!


The Lord also provided provisions for some medical supplies, and this first quarter's school fees!

Thank You Again Sponsors! God Bless You!


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