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Boniface's Visit to the USA 2018

Boniface arrived May 5th and returned on July 30th.  Below are pictures taken during his stay.
Many churches opened their pulpits for Boniface to share and many people of God hosted and cared for him during his stay. Thank you to all and the Lord richly bless you!


Howie & Patti Jones picked up Boniface at the airport upon his arrival and hosted him in their home for 3 weeks! Thank you Howie & Patti!

Pastor John & Connie Carpenter hosted Boniface at Mt. Zion UMC Minerva, Ohio & Pleasant Grove UMC East Rochester, Ohio. Thank you all and God Bless You!


Pastor John Wallace at First Moravian Church in Dover, Ohio
Thank you for your gifts and hospitality! Blessings to you!


Pastor Ed & Tammy Rexroad of Light In The Valley Church in Newcomerstown, Ohio. Thank you for hosting Boniface two times during his stay! Thank you Therese Hampton for your support for orphan Brandon Moses! Blessings to you all!

Thank you Kathleen & Hannah Huston for new Nike's for orphans Alexis & Sophy!


Bishop Robert Jones founder of The Church of the Living God in Kenya 2008.We thank you for hosting Boniface in your home during his stay! We pray the Lord will richly reward you!

Pastor Tadd & Lindsey Sponseller of Salem UMC Fredericktown, Ohio & Easton UMC Canton, Ohio. Thank you for hosting Boniface in your home and in your churches. Blessings to you all.


Pastor Scott & Staci Snyder of Hope Christian Community Church in New Philadelphia, Ohio
Thank you for hosting Boniface and gifting him with new microphones to take back with him for ministry!

Thank you Rochelle Ring for
bringing jewelry for Hilda!                              Thank you Hope Community Bible School for
                                                                         donating to the orphans for school costs.

Thank you Bruce Seevers for driving Boniface to and from his scheduled speaking
 engagements! Also for the lunches and dinners you provided for him on those journeys!
 The Lord bless you so much for your support! 

Pastor Troy & Andrea Woodmansee of Redeeming Passions Ministries of Cambridge, Ohio
Thank you so much for hosting Boniface and supporting 17 orphans!

Below: Pastor Troy preaching in Kenya!


More pictures of Pastor Troy & Ray ministering in the Migori, Kenya Crusade which runs through
 August 19,2018. We are hearing of many coming to Christ!

Pastor Max & Sis Canfield of First Church of the Brethren 
New Philadelphia, Ohio
Thank you and the church for your continued support!
 We pray the Lord will richly repay all your kindness!

Migorimissions Board Members

Patti Jones, Mary Seevers, Jacqueline Garner
Boniface Abanga, Howie Jones, Robert Jones

Pastor Scott & Staci Snyder

Patti Jones, Mary Seevers, Bruce Seevers,
Boniface Abanga, Howie Jones, Robert Jones


       The Lord is Good and Greatly to be Praised!



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