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Migori Missions 2025 Orphans Education Program

Praise God! Thanks to God's blessings through our donors we were able to continue the Migori Missions Education Program for 2025 and provide school tuition, uniforms, and supplies including room and board for 29 Migori orphans! 

Education in Migori is a privilege not known to every child. The opportunities this education provides to them is life changing. However, it also is not cheap. Thanks to our donors we were able to raise the 70% of the high school fees as well as the funds required to purchase the uniforms for all of our orphan students, including high school, middle school, and primary school.

Standard uniform requirements each year:

Rubber Protective Shoes - $30
Pie Jammer - $20
Weekend clothing - $25
Neck Tie - $10
Stockings - $16
Candles - $3
Underwear - $10
Pullover - $30
Shirts/Blouses - $28
Pants/Skirts - $45

This is a total of $257 per child and lasts them the entire year.
We have 29 orphans currently in the education program. 
This brings the uniform total to $7,459 for one year. 
This is in addition to the $8,250 school fees for the 11 high school students that is paid annually and the $400 school fees for the 18 middle and primary school students that is paid monthly.

Praise God our donors were able to raise the funds for the uniforms and 70% of the high school fees that were due in December. We will pay the remaining 30% in May God willing that the funds come in.

There are more orphans that would like to join the education program but right now this is what we can afford.

This week Bishop Boniface took the high school students shopping for new shoes to ensure proper fit, before returning to school.

If you are interested in sponsoring one of our orphans for the education program please visit our orphan sponsorship page.

Pray for the continued success of our education program and for all of our orphan students for a successful school year!



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